What are the four parts of Umrah? 

muslims performing umrah

Umrah is often called the “little” Hajj. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and a pilgrimage that Muslims must undertake at least once in their lives. Umrah is a sunnah and a tradition of our Prophet (BPUH) that can be performed at any time in the year except five days of Hajj.

The primary purpose of Umrah is to purify the soul and get rid of past sins. A Muslim can perform Umrah many times in his life. Umrah is also seen as protection from hardship and the burden of life, as pilgrims spend their money and time in the way of Allah.

Pillars of Umrah

Umrah is the pilgrimage to Makkah. It can be performed at any month or year except for Hajj. It also acts to clean spirituality and strengthen the connection with Allah through different rituals in the memory of Hazart Ibraham, Hajar and Hazart Muhammad. It is a means of spiritual purification and strengthening the bond with Allah through various rituals accommodating Muhammad. It can be done in a shorter time than Hajj.

Umrah has four acts of worship:

  1. You proceed to your Ihram before Miqat, pray two rakats, make your niyah when Miqat comes, and recite Talbiyah regularly.
  2. You can perform Tawaf-e-Umrah at the Kaaba and then perform two prayers, preferably next to Maqam Ibrahim.
  3. You perform sa’i between Safa and Marwah.
  4. You shave (Halq) or cut (Taqsir) your hair so that you can exit Ihram and complete the Umrah.


To perform Umrah or Hajj, Muslims must enter purity and wear clean, plain clothes. These levels contain certain restrictions that each traveler must follow to complete the journey.

Groom yourself by trimming your nails and removing the hair before putting on the Ihram. Afterward, those who want to enter Ihram must perform ghusl, a very important sunnah. If you cannot perform ghusl, a bath is sufficient. Men can apply atal/perfume to their heads/beards to ensure it does not stain their Ihram clothes. This should all be related to your accommodation before the flight.

  • Ihram Clothes
  • Salah al-Ihram
  • Niyyah
  • Talbiyah
  • Haram makkah

Ihram Clothesa muslim wearing ihram performing umrah

The men’s Ihram clothes, which consist of two pieces of seamless, usually white, clean fabric. The sheet wrapped around the waist to cover the lower part of the body is called “Izar,” and the sheet that wraps the body like a shawl is called “Rida.” Sandals should not cover the heels and ankles. According to the Hanafi sect, the middle of the foot must be held.

Women do not have to follow a specific dress code. Clothing should be small Islamic clothes with a head of any color. Even if socks are worn, hands and faces should not be exposed.

Don’t forget to put on your Ihram before putting on the miqat. You will be flying to Saudi Arabia, so it is recommended that you change your Ihram at the airport before departure or (if necessary) during your layover. Check first, then change in the masjid or bathroom.

Alternatively, you can put Ihram on the spot, but keep in mind that space in the plane’s bathroom is often limited, and many groups of people will plan to do the same when Miqat is nearby. If you decide to change your Ihram on the plane, do so at least an hour before leaving Midgate.

Salah al-Ihram

It is a sunnah to pray two rakats before entering Ihram. If there are places of worship on the plane, this can be done after the transfer at the airport or before passing through the plane’s Miqat. The purpose of performing prayer is to perform two rakats of ihram prayer.

Since you have not yet entered the spirit of resurrection, the prayer can be seen with the head. Although it is possible to read other surahs, it is recommended to read Surah Kafirun in the first rakat and Surah Al-Ikhlas in the second rakat. After you pray, don’t forget to pray.


When going to the Miqat, the Umrah prayer must be performed in or near the Miqat. Ideally, you should wait until the end to realize your desire. This ensures that unnecessary restrictions are not imposed. It is best not only to express your thoughts but also to repeat them mentally.


After completing the niyyah, you must recite Talbiyah to achieve your goal and enter Ihram. According to the Hanafi and Maliki sects, the words of Talbiyya are necessary. Shafi’i and Hanbalis accept this as sunnah.

The method of reading the Sunnah of Talbiyah is a short pause between the four places indicated by dashes:

Labbaika Allahumma labbaik,labbaika la-sharika laka labbaik,inna l-hamda wan-ni’mat, laka wal-mulk, la sharika lak.

Continue reciting Talbiyah the rest of the way until you reach the gate of Masjid al-Haram, then proceed to Tawaf.

Haram Makkah

Makkah Haram is a sacred area that extends for kilometers in all directions around the Masjid al-Haram.

When you reach the haram, continuously recite Talbiyya and send salawat to the Prophet, asking Allah and His blessings.

After arriving at your destination in Makkah, you may want to freshen up or relax before performing Tawaf Umrah. If you decide to shower, don’t use something restricted in your showering state, such as a towel ,soap or shampoo. It is recommended that you visit Masjid Al Haram as soon as possible.

 Tawaf-e-Umrahmuslims doing tawaf in makkah

Tawaf means walking around the holy Kaaba seven times clockwise. This is one of the main rituals pilgrims perform during Umrah and Hajj. The seventh round begins and ends at Hajar-ul-Aswad. The word Tawaf means “to travel”.

Tawaf is the pilgrim’s attempt to connect spiritually with Allah. It is known that believers walking in harmony around the Kaaba is a sign of unity in worshiping Allah.

  • Do the Tawaf yourself.
  • Be of one heart
  • Perform Tawaf in Masjid al-Haram.
  • Perform ablution, get rid of everything that requires ghusl.
  • Start Tawaf from Hajar-ul-aswad .
  • Stand back.
  • Make seven circles.
  • Rakat performed twice after Tawaf.

After completing the Tawaf, perform two prayers, preferably at the Maqam of Ibrahim, between you and the Kaaba. However, since Maqam Ibrahim is located in Mataf, pilgrims performing walk around generally do not move around those praying outside Maqam Ibrahim, resulting in severe heat. If prayers cannot be performed there due to crowds, they can be performed anywhere in the Masjid al-Haram.


The ritual of seven rounds of walking between the two little hills in Masjid al-Haram, Safa and Marwa, which are next to the Kaaba in called Sa’i.

Sunnah is performing Sa’i immediately after Tawaf, but you can rest if necessary. If you get tired or your feet hurt after Tawaf, you can rest until ready. Remember that you will travel more than three kilometers for Sa’i, so ensure you have enough energy to complete the ritual before you begin.

Safa and Marwah are two mountains located in the deep mosques of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Umrah sai includes seven sacred tours of two mountains. Pilgrims seek Allah’s blessings and mercy. It also shows the daily difficulties people face by seeking Allah’s consent and showing the courage to overcome them.

Halq or Taqsira muslim doing halq after umrah

After completing the Umrah journey, pilgrims will do some activities considering the religious aspects of Hajj and Umrah. Men should shave, called Halq, and women should cut their hair a few inches shorter, called Taqsir. Muslims are freed from all kinds of travel restrictions.

To perform the ritual correctly, it is necessary to comply with the rules, which are different for men and women.


Umrah is an unnecessary but virtuous act that every Muslim would like to do once in their life. Only those with money and physical strength or ability can perform this sacred ritual. However, this journey also brings an excellent opportunity to erase past sins and start a new life with a new soul.

Umrah – Wear Ihram, perform Tawaf, perform two Rak’ahs, drink Zamzam water and perform Saee. However, the pilgrimage does not end here. While pilgrims perform various religious duties in Ihram, they also head towards Mina.


What is the state of Ihram?

Ihram is the holy state that must be entered before performing Hajj and Umrah.

How Umrah differ from Hajj?

Umrah is the pilgrimage to Makkah. It can be performed at any month or year except for Hajj.

What are the rewards of Umrah?

When you complete Umrah, your soul will be as pure as a newborn child, and Allah promises to reward you and forgive your sins. 

How long does it take to do 7 tawaf?

On average, one round of Tawaf takes about 30 minutes to complete. As a result, completing the seven circles of Tawaf during Tawaf al-Ziyarah, which is part of the Hajj pilgrimage, takes around 3.5 hours.


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