Hajj and Umrah Guide for Women | Umrah Essentials

muslims are performing umrah


Men and women participate in these ceremonies; women must also follow specific instructions and details during their journey. From dressing appropriately to cultural practices, understanding the aspects of Hajj and Umrah for women is crucial to achieving spiritual fulfillment and respect. This session will share essential tips and thoughts for women making these sacred journeys. Follow special instructions to ensure harmony and spiritual benefit for women performing holy pilgrimages such as Hajj and Umrah. 

The basis of these rules is the requirement to wear formal attire, which usually includes a white, loose-fitting shirt or a long shirt that covers the whole body. Women are also encouraged to wear modest headscarves, cover their hair, and avoid additional accessories or eyes. To maintain the state of ritual purity, women must perform the necessary ablutions before participating in various rituals. It is recommended to act modestly in crowded environments. Women also need to be mindful of their safety and health by being aware of their surroundings and cooperating with other travelers.


Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for every financially and physically capable Muslim to perform at least once in their lifetime. All non-disabled Muslims must undertake this journey at least once in their lifetime, provided they can afford it. The pilgrimage takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. It consists of several ceremonies, including the circumlocution of the Kaaba, standing on the plain of Arafat, symbolic stoning of the devil, and animal sacrifice. Hajj is a unifying experience for Muslims worldwide, instilling a sense of solidarity, equality, and spiritual purity.


Umrah is a lesser pilgrimage than Hajj and is optional but highly recommended. It can be performed any time of the year, offering spiritual benefits and the opportunity to cleanse the soul.

The pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah is one of the most essential worship rituals we can perform as Muslims. The pilgrimage includes several rituals like fasting, reciting Rakats, going around the Kaaba seven times in an anti-clockwise direction, and walking or running between the hills of Safa and Marwah multiple times.

Essential PreparationsA man is performing umrah

Spiritual Preparation

For women, it is essential to prioritize spiritual preparation before doing Umrah. Increase your prayer and introspection, and ask for forgiveness for growing a pure and devoted mindset. Affirm with all your heart (Niyyah) that you will perform the holy Umrah only for the benefit of Allah the Almighty and that you will ask for Allah’s forgiveness and blessings. 

Spiritual preparation for Hajj and Umrah for women involves:

  • Deepening one’s connection with God.
  • Focusing on self-reflection.
  • Cultivating a mindset of humility and devotion.

Educate yourself

Educating yourself on the rituals and steps you must complete for your Hajj or Umrah to be valid is crucial. You can sign up for a course at an Islamic center, organization, or mosque, where they walk you through performing Hajj and Umrah correctly. 

With the proper education, you can spiritually and mentally wire your mindset before your trip. In addition to the educational course, speak with family and friends who have already completed the pilgrimage to gain practical insight on what to expect while completing yours. 

Familiarize yourself with the rituals and procedures of Hajj and Umrah. Understanding the significance of each step will enhance your experience and allow you to participate in the ceremonies with greater mindfulness.

Intention (Niyyah)

Clarify your purpose to conduct Hajj or Umrah purely for the sake of Allah, seeking His forgiveness and blessings.

Prayer and Reflection

Practice regular prayer, supplication, and meditation on your spiritual journey. Use this time to build your relationship with God.

Repentance and Forgiveness

Seek forgiveness for past mistakes, sins and bad habits. Embrace the opportunity for a fresh start and a purified heart. You will strengthen your relationship with God by praying, reciting verses from the Quran, and engaging in regular acts of devotion. Before packing your bags, engage in spiritual preparation. Reflect on the journey’s significance, purify your intentions, and seek guidance from religious scholars for a more profound connection with the rituals.

Study the Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

The life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to understand the spirit of sacrifice, humility, and devotion. They should read Prophet Muhammad’s biography (PBUH) to strengthen their iman. Only by studying His (PBUH) life can we learn the way of Islam and how to live our worldly lives for the sake of our last life.

Charity and Kindness

Engage in acts of charity, kindness, and generosity towards others, fostering a spirit of compassion and selflessness.

Connection with Women Pilgrims

Build bonds with other women on the pilgrimage, sharing experiences, supporting each other, and fostering a sense of community.

Learning the Rituals

It involves understanding the specific rituals and acts of worship involved in Hajj and Umrah. This includes the Tawaf (circumambulation around the Kaaba), the Sa’i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwah), and symbolic acts like the Stoning of the Devil.

Health and Fitness

Both Hajj and Umrah can be physically demanding. Women should ensure they are healthy and consult a healthcare professional if needed. Comfortable and modest clothing suitable for the climate is essential.

Realizing that making the Umrah demands excellent steadiness and energy is critical. It’s a drawn-out process that requires much walking over miles or kilometres, mainly in Makkah. Depending on the month you’re travelling, all of this could be done in the sweltering sun. The precise distance can vary significantly based on how close your round is to the Kaaba, but the complete Umrah can take, on average, 35 km or 20 miles.

Start walking modest distances and working out to prepare for this task two to three months before your Umrah journey. Start eating less and modify your bedtime to adapt your sleeping and eating patterns to the arduous Umrah trip. To maintain well-being, wheelchairs and other unique amenities are available for people with disabilities. Remember that Makkah’s weather is scorching all year round, so pack accordingly.

Packing Essentials

Most of the time, Makkah is hot. Therefore, light clothes and colors that do not irritate your skin should be chosen. It is essential to pack and prepare according to the month of travel. The days are hot, and the nights are cold in Saudi Arabia. Depending on your form of Umrah.

Choose airy, lightweight clothing to stay cool during your Umrah pilgrimage. Choose clothing that fits loosely to facilitate easy movement. Throughout the Tawaf (the circumlocution) in and around the Kaaba, men and women should wear head-covering Umrah clothes. Women should cover their head hair with a hijab rather than a loose scarf and conservatively wear long, loose-fitting fabrics.

Umrah Clothes for Womenwoman wearing burqa

Abaya for Umrah

Ladies should dress modestly and loosely or cover their entire body with an abaya. It is better to choose dark colors to keep things simple. To perform the Umrah, wear a loose-fitting abaya over your everyday clothing. Abayas in white and black are both appropriate. Wearing slender or brightly colored clothing underneath the abaya is discouraged. A white abaya for Umrah is recommended because of the climate in Madinah and Makkah.

Women can enter the state of Ihram while wearing any form of attire. They might convey the purpose of Ihram through their casual attire. You must wear neat and clean garments or Abaya for Umrah when entering the state of Ihram. 


For women, a headscarf or hijab is a crucial part of their outfit. Make sure it is firmly tied to remain modest during the pilgrimage. Women should cover their head hair with a hijab rather than a loose scarf and conservatively wear long, loose-fitting fabrics. 

Use an underscore to hold everything in place. It keeps your hair out of your face while also looking attractive. Our favorite is the Clima Fit Cross Under-scarf. It not only stays put but is also composed of breathable fabric, which keeps you excellent all day.

Comfortable Footwear

Women should opt for comfortable, durable footwear for walking long distances like men. You can wear flip-flops or comfy sneakers, while others wear Moza socks (made of leather or cloth) or ankle-fit socks. We recommend wearing closed-toe shoes to keep your feet pleasant and blister-free. They provide more significant support than open ones, which benefits your feet in the long run. 


Hajj and Umrah are extraordinary acts of worship that hold immense significance in Islam. Adhering to the specific guidelines ensures a fulfilling and spiritually uplifting experience for women. Through meticulous preparation, mindfulness during the pilgrimage, and reflection afterwards, women can fully embrace the profound journey of Hajj and Umrah.

To be spiritually prepared for Umrah, one must have a genuine and honest desire to make the pilgrimage for Allah’s only purpose. 

This mental attitude is essential to receive the most spiritual advantages from the journey. The pilgrim’s soul is further purified by introspection and asking for pardon for previous sins. It is necessary to have full knowledge of the Umrah processes and celebrations. 

This involves awareness of Tawaf, Sai, and other traditions at particular Makkah locations. Knowing these rites by heart guarantees their proper performance and enhances the spiritual bond with each ritual’s historical significance. One must follow Islamic values at all times while travelling. 

This involves being friendly, patient, and humble toward other travellers. Having sufficient cash to pay expenses and dressing effectively, especially for the Ihram, are essentials for a smooth and stress-free journey. Practical preparations, adherence to Islamic rules, ceremonial knowledge, and spiritual dedication are necessary for a successful Umrah. This comprehensive approach promises that the pilgrimage is more than a travel experience. It is a very transformative and illuminating spiritual experience.


What do you wear under the abaya for Umrah?

To perform Umrah, wear a loose-fitting abaya over your casual clothes. You can wear both black and white abayas. It is not recommended to wear thin or colourful clothing underneath the abaya. Due to the atmosphere of Makkah and Madinah, a white abaya is recommended.

What do ladies dress before beginning their pilgrimage?

The white abaya is perfect for women preparing to join the pilgrimage. White is not a mandatory colour, but it is very suitable for the meaning of equality before God and the hot weather conditions in Saudi Arabia when the pilgrimage took place.

What is not allowed for women during Umrah?

Women should avoid insulting local sensibilities. This means they should travel with a mahram or tour group (above the age of 45) and avoid smoking in public. Women are not allowed to drive in the Kingdom.

How many abayas do you need for Umrah?

To perform Umrah, the clothes under the abaya must be clean or pure. You should bring at least three sets of abayas on your Umrah trip because you will wear them daily.


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